Document NameFile Size (KB)DateDownload
06905052 Wells 175664 certification of clearance31731 05/12/1967 Download
07508021 Wells 824433 well information726353 05/12/1967 Download
06905054 Wells 175859 certification of clearance32770 05/12/1967 Download
10366126 Wells 579492 correspondence24267 05/12/1967 Download
04540036 Wells 427067 intent to drill73257 05/12/1967 Download
06905294 Wells 180184 certification of clearance32047 05/12/1967 Download
06905298 Wells 71438 certification of clearance31278 05/12/1967 Download
07508021 Wells 824431 correspondence631680 05/12/1967 Download
06905059 Wells 175685 certification of clearance31275 05/12/1967 Download
06905044 Wells 180219 certification of clearance31429 05/12/1967 Download
12106616 Wells 293486 sundry notice33900 05/12/1967 Download
04540036 Wells 427065 sundry notice72280 05/12/1967 Download
10301099 Wells 52908 sundry notice42970 05/12/1967 Download
04540036 Wells 427063 sundry notice128712 05/12/1967 Download
07508021 Wells 824432 correspondence673081 05/12/1967 Download
06905296 Wells 519464 certification of clearance32393 05/12/1967 Download
04540036 Wells 427058 well abandonment66571 05/12/1967 Download
10360011 Wells 34915 application for permit57496 05/12/1967 Download
07508019 Wells 830072 completion54578 05/12/1967 Download
04540036 Wells 427062 intent to abandon63699 05/12/1967 Download
06905051 Wells 175707 certification of clearance30451 05/12/1967 Download
10366126 Wells 579491 correspondence26449 05/12/1967 Download
12106617 Wells 293386 sundry notice34365 05/12/1967 Download
12106634 Wells 232633 sundry notice34699 05/12/1967 Download
06905045 Wells 519488 certification of clearance30284 05/12/1967 Download