This document is to provide hearing information and to assist in the preparation of witnesses and exhibits in support of hearing applications.  Please refer to the  Criteria For Applicant/Protestant Exhibits  for assistance in preparing testimony and exhibits.  For additional information, please review the COGCC 500 Series Rules of Practice and Procedure available on the Internet or by contacting our office at (303) 894-2100.

If your application is not protested or intervened upon by the protest deadline, you may schedule an administrative hearing before COGCC staff Hearing Officers to be held two weeks prior to the Commission hearing.  (Rules 511.b. and 526.)  Should a protest or intervention to your application be filed, a prehearing conference will be scheduled by COGCC Hearing Officers between you and the protestant(s) or intervenor(s) during the same period two weeks prior to the Commission hearing.  (Rules 511.c. and 527.)  If no agreement can be reached such that the protest or intervention is withdrawn, the application will be heard at the Commission hearing.  (Rule 528.a.)  If an agreement can be reached and the protest or intervention is withdrawn, an administrative hearing will be scheduled prior to the Commission hearing.  All applications heard at an administrative hearing that are recommended by a Hearing Officer for approval are placed on the Commission’s consent agenda for adoption at hearing and the applicant does not need to be present.  (Rule 520.b.)

Witnesses appearing at hearings before the Hearing Officers or the Commission shall provide a resume or curriculum vitae describing their educational background and their professional qualifications.  Prior to providing testimony at any hearing witnesses shall be qualified in their appropriate field of expertise.  It is typical that testimony and exhibits from a landman, a geologist and an engineer are required in support of most applications.  There is no requirement for engineers providing testimony on an application to be licensed in Colorado.  Exhibits previously submitted at a hearing may be modified to reflect any new data and resubmitted provided that they meet the attached Criteria for Exhibits.  The Hearing Officers may request additional supporting exhibits before making a recommendation to the Commission to approve an application.  At the conclusion of an administrative hearing, the Hearing Officers will make a recommendation on the application to the Commission.  At the conclusion of a Commission hearing, a final decision on the application will be made.

Should you have additional questions about hearing matters, please contact Margaret Humecki, Hearings Assistant at (303) 894-2100 ext. 5139 or Robert Frick, Hearings Manager at (303) 894-2100 ext. 5152.