OF THE STATE OF COLORADO


IN THE MATTER OF CHANGES TO THE                                      )                    CAUSE NO. 1R

RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE OIL                                    )

AND GAS CONSERVATION COMMISSION                                  )                    ORDER NO. 1R-68

OF THE STATE OF COLORADO                                                    )


                                                             REPORT OF THE COMMISSION


                        Pursuant to a hearing before the Oil and Gas Conservation Commission on November 20, 1995 and repromulgated on March 19, 1996, in Suite 801, The Chancery Building, 1120 Lincoln Street, Denver, Colorado, after giving Notice of Hearing, as required by law, the Oil and Gas Conservation Commission revised its Rules and Regulations to amend Rule Nos. 522.a.(1), attached as Exhibit A.  Rule Nos. 322B.b and 323.e. and f. were amended to be consistent with Rule 522.a.(1) and is attached in Exhibit A.


                        Attached, as Exhibit B, is a statement giving the basis and purpose of the revisions and such statements are incorporated herein by reference.


                        DONE AND PERFORMED by the Oil and Gas Conservation Commission of the State of Colorado this     29th       day of     March         , 1996.


                                                                        OIL AND GAS CONSERVATION COMMISSION

                                                                              OF THE STATE OF COLORADO





                                                                           Patricia C. Beaver, Secretary


Dated at Suite 801

1120 Lincoln Street

Denver, Colorado 80203

March 25, 1996


Find the Complete Signed Order in the Hearing Files