)           CAUSE NO. 139


)           ORDER NO. 139-78        





This cause came on for hearing before the Commission at 9:00 a.m. on July 23, 2007, in Suite 801, The Chancery Building, 1120 Lincoln Street, Denver, Colorado, for an order to allow the equivalent of eight (8) wells to be optionally drilled in the 640-acre drilling and spacing unit consisting of Section 26, Township 6 South, Range 94 West, 6th P.M., for the production of gas and associated hydrocarbons from the Wasatch Formation.




                        The Commission finds as follows:


1.      Quantum Resources Management, LLC (“Quantum”), as applicant herein, is an interested party in the subject matter of the above-referenced hearing.

2.      Due notice of the time, place and purpose of the hearing has been given in all respects as required by law.

3.      The Commission has jurisdiction over the subject matter embraced in said Notice, and of the parties interested therein, and jurisdiction to promulgate the hereinafter prescribed order pursuant to the Oil and Gas Conservation Act.

4.      On December 10, 1959, the Commission issued Order No. 139-1, which among other things, established 640-acre drilling and spacing units, for certain lands including Section 26, Township 6 South, Range 94 West, 6th P.M., for the production of gas and associated hydrocarbons from the Wasatch Formation.

5.  On February 12, 1988, the Commission issued Order No 139-11, which among other things, allowed a total of four (4) wells to be optionally drilled in the 640-acre drilling and spacing units, including Section 26, Township 6 South, Range 94 West, 6th P.M., for production from the Wasatch Formation, with the permitted well to be located no closer than 600 feet from the boundaries of the unit and no closer than 1200 feet from any existing Wasatch Formation well.


6.  On April 23, 2007, Quantum Resources Management, LLC, by its attorney, filed with the Commission a verified application for an order to allow the equivalent of eight (8) wells to be optionally drilled in the 640-acre drilling and spacing unit consisting of Section 26, Township 6 South, Range 94 West, 6th P.M., for the production of gas and associated hydrocarbons from the Wasatch Formation, with the permitted well to be located no closer than 600 feet from the boundaries of the unit and no closer than 1200 feet from any existing Wasatch Formation well, unless an exception is granted by the Director of the Oil and Gas Commission.


The additional Wasatch Formation wells proposed on the application lands will not result in the construction of more than one (1) well site or multi-well site per forty (40) acre nominal governmental quarter-quarter section, without an exception determination by the Director of the Commission if, for topographical or other reasons, more than one (1) well site must be constructed in a particular 40-acre nominal governmental quarter-quarter section.

7.  On May 29, 2007, Quantum, by its attorney, filed with the Commission a written request to approve the application based on the merits of the verified application and the supporting exhibits.  

8.  Testimony submitted in support of the application showed that four (4) wells have been drilled on the application lands for the production of gas and associated hydrocarbons from the Wasatch Formation.  The objective of Quantum’s application is to authorize the drilling of up to four (4) additional wells in order to promote efficient and complete drainage of the Wasatch Formation and to prevent waste.  Quantum is not asking to change the existing setback requirements for the application lands.


9.  Testimony submitted in support of the application showed that Joan Savage is the surface owner of all surface locations upon which Quantum proposes to drill the additional four (4) wells.  Quantum met with Ms. Savage to discuss the relief requested in this application.  Ms. Savage commented on proposed surface locations, voiced support for the increased density proposed in the application, and indicated she did not intend to protest the application.


10.  Testimony submitted in support of the application showed that Quantum also has verbally contacted Garfield County and discussed the relief requested in this application with a county official.


11.  Testimony submitted in support of the application showed that, as proposed, the four (4) additional Wasatch wells on the application lands will not result in the construction of more than one well site or multi-well site per forty (40) acre nominal governmental quarter-quarter section.  Quantum will request an exception determination by the Director of the Commission if, for topographical or other reasons, more than one well site must be constructed in a particular 40-acre nominal governmental quarter-quarter section.


12.  Testimony submitted in support of the application showed that it is Quantum’s intention to drill these wells using methods that are the least impacting to the surface and to minimize the time on location to the extent reasonably possible.


13.  Testimony and exhibits submitted in support of the application concluded that the drilling of an additional four (4) wells producing from the Wasatch Formation (a) will allow more efficient drainage of the Wasatch Formation, (b) will help prevent waste, (c) will not violate correlative rights, and (d) will assure the greatest ultimate recovery of gas and associated substances from the reservoir. 


14.  Testimony and exhibits submitted in support of the application showed that the Wasatch Formation beneath the application lands consists of a meandering stream system of irregular thickness and typical of highly lenticular and compartmentalized fluvial sandstones.  Additional testimony indicated that the thickness is highly variable and there is no correlation between thickness and well estimated ultimate recovery.  Further testimony indicated that the sandstone reservoirs beneath the application lands are discontinuous and additional wells and increased drilling density will be necessary to prevent the waste of identified gas. 


15.  Testimony and exhibits submitted in support of the application showed that after studying the application lands and other data relating to them including, but not limited to, rate and production data from nearby wells, the initial pressure data for other Wasatch Formation wells in the Rulison Field are analogous with the application lands.  Additional testimony indicated that the economics for wells drilled on 8 wells per 640-acre density on the application lands indicate costs should be recovered no later than after five years, with a rate of return of greater than 15%, making these wells economic for Quantum.


16.  Testimony and exhibits submitted in support of the application showed that the drilling of the proposed four (4) additional Wasatch Formation wells in this one section will also help Quantum further assess the production profile of the Wasatch Formation and plan future operations.


17.  The above-referenced testimony and exhibits show that the proposed well density will allow more efficient reservoir drainage, will prevent waste, will assure a greater ultimate recovery of gas, and will not violate correlative rights.


18.  Quantum Resources Management, LLC agreed to be bound by an oral order of the Commission.


19.  Based on the facts stated in the verified application, having received no protests, and based on the Hearing Officer review of the application under Rule 511.b., the Commission should enter an order to allow the equivalent of eight (8) wells to be optionally drilled in the 640-acre drilling and spacing unit consisting of Section 26, Township 6 South, Range 94 West, 6th P.M., for the production of gas and associated hydrocarbons from the Wasatch Formation.



NOW, THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED, that a total of eight (8) wells are hereby approved to be optionally drilled in the 640-acre drilling and spacing unit consisting of Section 26, Township 6 South, Range 94 West, 6th P.M., for the production of gas and associated hydrocarbons from the Wasatch Formation.


                        IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that all future Wasatch Formation wells shall be located no closer than 600 feet from the boundaries of the unit and no closer than 1200 from any existing Wasatch Formation well, unless an exception is granted by the Director of the Oil and Gas Commission.


IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that no more than one (1) well site or multi-well site per forty (40) acre nominal governmental quarter-quarter section shall be constructed, without an exception determination by the Director of the Commission if, for topographical or other reasons, more than one (1) well site must be constructed in a particular 40-acre nominal governmental quarter-quarter section.

                        IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that the permitted wells shall be drilled, on average, if topographically feasible, from the surface either vertically or directionally from no more than one pad located on a given quarter quarter section unless exception is granted by the Director of the Commission.


                        IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the provisions contained in the above order shall become effective forthwith.


                        IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that the Commission expressly reserves its right, after notice and hearing, to alter, amend or repeal any and/or all of the above orders.


                        IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that under the State Administrative Procedure Act the Commission considers this order to be final agency action for purposes of judicial review within thirty days after the date this order is mailed by the Commission.


                        IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that an application for reconsideration by the Commission of this order is not required prior to the filing for judicial review.


                        ENTERED this ______ day of August, 2007, as of July 23, 2007.


                                                                                    OIL AND GAS CONSERVATION COMMISSION

                                                                                                   OF THE STATE OF COLORADO




                                                                                                   Patricia C. Beaver, Secretary



Dated at Suite 801

1120 Lincoln Street

Denver, Colorado 80203

August 15, 2007