Complaints Information - Questions and Answers

Why was my complaint closed?

All complaints will eventually be closed after investigation is completed. The following are the reasons why a complaint filed with the ECMC is closed:

  1. ECMC staff determined the complaint is not within the jurisdiction of the ECMC.

    In this case your compliant will be sent to the appropriate agency or local government for further review. You will receive a formal letter from the ECMC that identifies the agency to which your compliant was forwarded and the name and contact information of the person at that agency who will now review your compliant.

  2. ECMC staff performed an investigation and determined no violations of ECMC Rules occurred.

    In this case no further action will be performed by ECMC staff. You will receive a formal letter from the ECMC explaining what actions were taken on your complaint and your rights as a complainant.

  3. ECMC staff performed an investigation, determined potential violations of ECMC Rules occurred, and issued a Warning Letter, Action Required Field Inspection Report or Notice of Alleged Violation (NOAV) to the operator.

    In this case the complaint will be closed because all further actions will be performed using the enforcement process initiated by the Warning Letter, Action Required Field Inspection Report or NOAV. You will receive a formal letter from the ECMC explaining what actions were taken, the next steps, and your rights to participate in the enforcement process.