IN THE MATTER OF CHANGES TO THE                     )         CAUSE NO. 1

RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE OIL                   )        

AND GAS CONSERVATION COMMISSION                  )         DOCKET NO. 0404-RM-01

OF THE STATE OF COLORADO                                )        







                        The Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, on its own motion, will consider proposed amendments to its Rules and Regulations affecting the below-listed Rules:


303.       Requirements for Application for Permit-to-Drill, Deepen, Re-enter, or Recomplete, and Operate.

303.a.    Form 2.  Application for Permit-to-Drill, Deepen, Re-enter, or Recomplete, and Operate.

303.d.    Form 2/2A applications and copies to local governmental designees.

303.k.    Withholding Approval of Application for Permit-to-Drill, Form 2.

303.l.     Suspending Approved Permit-to-Drill, Form 2.

305.b.(4)Final Reclamation notice.

308A.     COGCC Form 5.  Drilling Completion Report

310A.     COGCC Form 8.  Mill Levy

312.       COGCC Form 10.  Certificate of Clearance and/or Change of Operator

319.b.    Shut-in and Temporary Abandonment.

321.       Directional Drilling

502.       Proceedings Not Requiring the Filing of an Application

503.b.    All Other Proceedings Commenced by Filing an Application

522.       Procedure To Be Followed Regarding Alleged Violations

706.       Soil Protection and Plugging and Abandonment

802.       Noise Abatement

909.f.     Release of financial assurance.


                        Minor modifications to other Commission rules may be necessary to conform with the amendments to the rules proposed above.  A draft containing the proposed change for each rule is available on the Commission Internet homepage at or by contacting Audra Serlet at (303) 894-2100 x114 or Tricia Beaver at x115.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Oil and Gas Conservation Commission of the State of Colorado, pursuant to the above, has scheduled the above-entitled matter for hearing on:


Date:                            Monday, April 19, 2004


                        Time:                           10:00 a.m.


                        Place:                          Suite 801, The Chancery Building

                                                            1120 Lincoln Street

                                                            Denver, CO 80203


                        Copies of the current Rules and Regulations are available on the Commission Internet homepage or at the office of the Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, 1120 Lincoln Street, Suite 801, Denver, Colorado 80203, for $10.50 or by mail upon the receipt of a check or money order for $13.50, at the same address. 


                        Written comments on the proposed rule amendments to be considered are requested to be submitted by April 5, 2004 for more complete consideration by the Commission.   Opportunity for testimony from any interested party will be provided at the hearing, however the time in which to present testimony may be limited and parties sharing similar viewpoints are requested to appoint a spokesperson to present their testimony at the hearing.


                        Pursuant to said hearing, in the above-entitled matter at the time and place aforesaid, or at any adjourned meeting, the Commission will enter its order adopting such rules and regulations as in its judgment the facts may justify.


                        In accordance with Rule 509., any interested party desiring to protest any of the proposed rule amendments, or to intervene, should file with the Commission a written protest or a notice to intervene no later than April 5, 2004 briefly stating the basis of the protest or intervention.  Such interested party shall, at the same time, file an original and nine (9) copies of the protest/intervention with the Commission (Rule 503.f.).


                        IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF COLORADO


                                                OIL AND GAS CONSERVATION COMMISSION

                                                            OF THE STATE OF COLORADO




                                                            Patricia C. Beaver, Secretary


Dated at Suite 801                               Submit comments to:

1120 Lincoln Street                             Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission

Denver, Colorado 80203                     Attn: P.C. Beaver, Docket No. 0404-RM-01

February 19, 2004                               1120 Lincoln Street, Suite 801

                                                            Denver, CO 80203