Suite 801, The Chancery Building

1120 Lincoln Street

Denver, Colorado 80203


Monday, August 19, 2002


À10:00 a.m.    Roll Call of Commissioners


                        Approval of Proceedings


À10:05 a.m.    Report from the Executive Director’s Office


10:20 a.m.    Report from the Director - Written report provided


Á10:50 a.m.    Report from the Assistant Attorney General


Á11:00 a.m.    Commissioner Comments


Á11:10 a.m.    Audience Comments


                        Consent Agenda


                        Cause No. 1V, Docket No. 0208-OV-05, La Plata County

                        Staff Recommendation


                        Subject:                      Request to approve an Order Finding Violation finding MarkWest Resources, Inc. in violation of Rule 1003.a.; failure to remove guy line anchors on crop land at the Tiffany No. 2-17 Well located in the NE¼ NW¼ of Section 17, Township 32 North, Range 6 West, N.M.P.M.


                        Comments:                Proposed changes agreed to by landowner and MarkWest.  Staff withdrew NOAV.  Application withdrawn; hearing cancelled.


Á11:20 a.m.    Cause No. 1V, Docket No. 0208-OV-08, Weld County

                        Staff Recommendation


           Subject:                    Request to approve an Order Finding Violation finding BIC Petroleum, Inc. in violation of Rule

                                            326.b.; failure to perform a mechanical integrity test within two (2) years of the initial shut-in date

                                            for the Cottonwood State #1 Well located in the SE¼ NW¼ of Section 16, Township 9 North,

                                            Range 56 West, 6th P.M.


Â12:00 p.m.   Lunch


1:30 p.m.     Cause No. 1, Docket No. 0208-GA-08, Kiowa County

                        Applicant:                    Midwest Enterprises, Inc.

                        Attorney:                      Lyle K. Rising


Subject:                      Request for an order to release the $30,000 Bond on the Fenton 2-31 Well located in Section 31, Township 20 South, Range 42 West, 6th P.M.


                                                                CONSENT AGENDA

August 19, 2002



No protests/interventions were received on the matters listed below and administrative hearings were held for these matters.  Appropriate testimony accompanied by required exhibits were presented to the Hearing Officers in support of the applications.  Hearing Officer recommendations are provided and exhibits are available upon request.  The Applicants agreed to be bound by oral Order of the Commission.


Cause Nos. 479 and 510, Docket No. 0208-SP-11, Garfield County:

Applicant:                    Williams Production Company

Attorney:                      William Keefe


Subject:                      Request for an order to allow the drilling of additional wells to be located in portions of Sections 1, 2, 11, and 12 in Township 7 South, Range 96 West, 6th P.M. for the production of gas and associated hydrocarbons from the Williams Fork Formation.


Hearing Officers:         Tricia Beaver/Morris Bell


Comments:                 Heard by Hearing Officers who recommend approval.


                        Cause No. 34, Docket No. 0208-SP-10, Greenwood Field, Baca County:

Applicant:                    Sandlin Oil Corporation

Representative:           Gary Sandlin


Subject:                     Request for an order to remove certain lands in Townships 33 and 34 South, Range 41 West, 6th P.M. from Order No. 34-1.


Hearing Officers:         David Dillon/Tricia Beaver


Comments:                 Heard by Hearing Officers who recommend approval.


                                                                    Administrative Orders by Consent


The following Administrative Orders by Consent were accepted and agreed to:


Cause No. 1V, Docket No. 0208-OV-09, Rio Blanco County

Staff Recommendation


Subject:                       Request to approve an Administrative Order by Consent finding ChevronTexaco USA, Inc. in violation of Rules 324A.a., 324A.b., 604.a.(4), and 907.a.(1); failure to take adequate precautions to prevent the unauthorized discharge of exploration and production wastes, water quality standards established by WQCC, to provide a berm with sufficient volume to contain contents, and to ensure that exploration and production wastes are properly stored, handled, and disposed to prevent environmental impacts to air, water, soil or biological resources for the Wilson Creek battery #2 Tank located in the SE¼ SE¼ of Section 27, Township 3 North, Range 94 West, 6th P.M. and assessing a fine of $8,000.