s_cogcc_head.jpg (11540 bytes)
s_head_fill.jpg (981 bytes)February  2001 Hearing Agenda


February 13, 2001

Holiday Inn Trinidad

Trinidad and Raton Rooms

3125 Toupal Drive

Trinidad, Colorado

8:00 a.m.


Ž8:00 a.m.     Roll Call of Commissioners


                        Approval of Proceedings


                        Report from the Executive Director's Office


                        Report from the Director - Written report provided


                        Report from the Attorney General


                        Commissioner Comments


                        Public Comments


                        Cause No. 254, Docket No. 0101-SP-02, Adams County


                     Applicant:        Renegade Oil & Gas Company

                     Attorney:          Stephen Sullivan


                     Protestant:      Setex Oil & Gas

                     Attorney:          Tom Niebrugge


                     Protestant:      Patina Oil & Gas

                     Attorney:          Mike Wozniak


                     Protestant:      HS Resources

                     Attorney:          Jeffery Fiske


                        Subject:           Request to re-establish 320-acre drilling and spacing units for certain lands in Township 2 South, Range 62 West, 6th P.M. and to suspend J Sand production from the Habel #A-2 Well.


                        Comments:     Joint motion to continue to March or April hearing.


9:30 a.m.     Cause No. 1, Docket No. 0102-RM-01, Statewide


                        Commission Motion


                        Subject:           Rulemaking to reduce the charge imposed by the Conservation Mill Levy to zero.


                        Consent Agenda






February 13, 2001



No protests/interventions were received on the matters listed below and administrative hearings were held on these matters.  Appropriate testimony accompaanied by required exhibits were presented to the Hearing Officers in support of the applications.  Hearing Officer recommendations are provided and exhibits are available upon request.  The Applicants agreed to be bound by oral Order of the Commission.


                        Cause No. 105, Docket No. 0102-AW-03, McClave Field, Kiowa County


                        Applicant:        Louis Dreyfus Natural Gas Corp.

                        Attorney:          Harold Gosse


Subject:           Request for an order allowing a second well to be drilled on the 640-acre drilling unit consisting of Section 32, Township 20 South, Range 48 West, 6th P.M. for production of oil and associated hydrocarbons from the McClave Sand.


Comments:    Heard by Hearing Officers who recommend approval.


                        Cause No. 331, Docket No. 0101-AW-02, Buckboard Field, Yuma County


                        Applicant:        Rosewood Resources, Inc.

                        Attorney:          Michael Wozniak


                        Subject:           Request for an order permitting an optional second well on certain 160-acre spacing units in Sections 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 22 & 23, Township 3 North, Range 46 West, 6th P.M. for production of gas from the Niobrara Formation.


                        Comments:     Heard by Hearing Officers who recommend approval.


Administrative Order by Consent


The following Administrative Order by Consent was accepted and agreed to:


Cause No. 1, Docket No. 0012-GA-08, Statewide




Subject:           Request to approve an Administrative Order by Consent requiring KP Kauffman Company to provide the Commission with an extra one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) of financial assurance due to an excessive number of non-producing and uneconomic wells, to update Commission staff every six months on the status of these wells and to either reestablish production, perform mechanical integrity tests or plug and abandon fifty (50) of the inactive wells.